Unicode Number: Use this number for your information.
(5) 話
Main Kanji:
(6) 【教育】二年
Classification: e.g. This kanji is classified to Elementary school grade 2.
【教育】: elementary learning
【常用】: daily used
【人名】: human name usable
【許容】: human name usable with traditional form
【旧字】: traditional forms
一年: the first grade
二年: the second grade
三年: the third grade
四年: the forth grade
五年: the fifth grade
六年: the sixth grade
(7) 【音】ワ
On-reading: These readings are originated from Chinese sounds.
They have no meaning in the sound in most cases when they are used alone.
They are used in Kanji sequences.
(8) 【訓】はな・す,はなし
Kun-reading: These readings are originated from Japanese native.
Japanese assigns native sounds to the correspondent kanji.
Some readings are used in conjugational words.
So the conjugational parts are separated from the main readings.
They are called "Okuri-gana", which follows the main kanji
(9) 【意】speech,talk,language,dialect
Meanings in English: These meanings are extracted from Unicode site.
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Jun.22/2011 : Supported new daily use kanji published in 2010
Aug.20/2007 : Fixed some errata.
Sep.27/2006 : Append new 493 characters for human names to Kanji Cards by 2004 cabinet instruction